My net time was 38:31. It took me 3 minutes and 23 seconds to get across the starting line, and during those 3 plus minutes I was starting to panic a bit. I was in the walkers section and personally I was worried about my time and it was very clear the people around me weren't so when I finally did get to the starting line, it opened a bit and I did some fancy dodging and weaving to get some room to run.
My first mile was way too fast (for me), around 10 minutes. This killed me. It was the adrenaline and the running with others. My finish pace was 12:24, which is already a minute faster than I ever do in training. Need to pace myself, and make my legs stronger. I'm such a disaster as a runner :)
After my previous race in June, I didn't get back to serious training (as serious as I get) till the end of July. For the next race ( whenever that is) my training isn't going to have a gap. Now to find a race thats big enough I won't be in last place.

The important thing (at least more than the actual running) is my weight has been maintained. I weighed 222 this morning, which is as low as its been since April 30th when I started this (at 255lbs).
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